Intermittent Fasting

intermittent fasting

Hi Loves!

Have you been struggling to lose weight? Have you ever tried intermittent fasting? I’m here to shed some light on what helped me shed some lbs!

I’ve tried a couple of different diets in hopes of losing some weight. I tried Whole30 (which taught me A LOT about food), keto, and 21 Day Fix by Beachbody for a quick minute. Whole30 was great because it taught me A LOT about food, but I could not wait until the 30 days were up. Keto seemed like a good alternative but it made me realize that I love carbs so much. It didn’t seem like a very sustainable option for me.


How I Started Intermittent Fasting

I started intermittent fasting (IF) by accident. At the time, I was working every day around the clock. At my job, I would help prepare breakfast, lunch, and dinner meal boxes for hundreds of people each day. I think the constant smell of food suppressed my appetite for pretty much most of, if not the whole the day. I would eat one meal a day and feel satisfied. Then, people kept telling me I was losing weight and soon after, the same people were telling me I was losing even more weight. They asked me what I was doing and I attributed it to stress and always working because I didn’t know what else it could be. The one meal I ate wasn’t exactly healthy either. Most times it was fast food. Wild, right? I know. Anyway, I then realized a was accidentally intermittent fasting.

I was determined to figure out if this is in fact what it was. I decided to begin tracking my eating schedule. I used the Zero app to do this. Sure enough, I was easily able to do a 16:8 fasting schedule. I later graduated to 18:6 and for a couple of days, I actually fasted the entire day.

I figured out what caused me to finally shed the pounds I was longing to shed! Intermittent fasting! I loved it! It was the easiest way I had ever even tried to lose weight… if you could even call it trying… Yeah! That’s how easy it was for me! This totally reminds me of this hilarious scene from The Devil Wears Prada:

Just to be clear though – I DID NOT STARVE MYSELF! I felt completely satisfied with what I was eating. I didn’t ever intentionally starve myself. The important thing to note is that I listen to my body. If I have a headache that will not go away, but my fasting window hasn’t ended, I eat and I feel better. There are some days here and there when fasting is just hard. I chalk it up to life – sometimes I’m stressed out by something, sometimes I’m overly emotional about something, and sometimes it’s my menstrual cycle. When these things happen and I just feel like I need to eat, I will.

Are you thinking of trying intermittent fasting?

If you’re looking to take intermittent fasting for a spin, I recommend starting out by trying a 16:8 fasting schedule. 16:8 is an easy, achievable, and most importantly, sustainable schedule.

If you’re using an iPhone (I can’t speak for any other smartphone because I don’t have any experience with them), there’s a widget available to help you see your current fasting progress at a glance, without even having to open the app. It’s the Zero app that I mentioned earlier.


How I fast now:

Nowadays, I still practice IF but without an app. I just go with the flow and allow my body to dictate when I eat. I would say I have more of an intuitive eating lifestyle. As far as the foods I eat, I’m not strict with this either. I try to incorporate as many good for the body foods as I can. I try to incorporate veggies into every meal. I’m really a sucker for a nice fresh salad and roasted vegetables. I’ve been obsessed with salad lately. *Drooling right now just thinking about a nice, fresh salad! I use the principles I’ve learned in Whole30 to make decisions about food. I read labels. Here are some of my nutrition label red flags:

  • More than ten ingredients
  • The first ingredient is something that shouldn’t even enter your body
  • Contains ingredients that I can’t pronounce

If you want me to write a post on intuitive eating and nutrition, leave a comment below! I hope you learned a little, or a lot, about intermittent fasting and how it helped me in my health and wellness journey. Feel free to ask any questions you have in the comments, I’d love to help! Laters babes!
